Since many people are not familiar with the intricacies of copyright law, and since people have stolen my intellectual property before, thinking they could use it freely without my permission, I’ll spell it out for you…

Willful copyright infringement exposes you to statutory damages of up to $150,000 per infringed work.

Non-willful infringement, also known as “innocent infringement,” can lead to statutory damages of up to $30,000 per infringed work. Claiming “you didn’t know” does not absolve you from liability.

If you are a news organization doing a story about my venture and/or my thoughts on gig work and the gig economy, no problem.

If you are an influencer reporting on my material, discussing my material, no problem. I welcome your efforts.

If you bought the big mileage form file from me and are using this for your own use in your gig delivery business, no problem.

If you are one of my gig trainer collaborators who bought business cards from me and are using my email correspondence templates, my ad ideas, my lesson slides, my press release templates, my form files in your gig training business, no problem.

If you are an individual or organization looking to plagiarize/exploit my intellectual property for you own gain, i.e. SELL my material — that I worked hard on, then you should consult with me first. Don’t be stupid.

Ed Ryder